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Sunday, June 10, 2012 @ 9:35 PM / 0 comment(s)

My dad has this genius theory about why i'm always so cold at night/in general. According to him, the reason i'm always cold is because i sleep late at night. Yes, that must be right. It's definitely not because it's below 10 degrees in my room, but it's because i sleep late at night. Seems legit.

Anyway, i think my fingers are on their way to swelling up. Especially my right hand since my pinky is already starting to look hideous and it feels weird to bend. Next in line would be the ring finger and then the rest of my right hand would follow in suit and then my left hand. My hands are going to be so horrifying.

I was supposed to be productive today but instead i spent the whole day on tumblr reblogging my life away, as well as putting moustaches on infinite. Speaking of infinite, i just found a really attractive picture of myungsoo.
I think it really brigtens up my blog a little bit. :')

I will go back to attempting to catch up on maths. Night everyone! c: