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Sunday, April 8, 2012 @ 10:21 PM / 8 comment(s)

So the golf course wasn't as bad as i expected. Except for one part where the whole group ganged up on me and the time when i was walking really fast and obviously paying extreme attention to where i was going and ended up crashing into a glass door (which i left a mark on l o l)
I met some nice people and some..uh creepy people too.

Here's something i found funny. Since the golf course is in the middle of nowhere, it's really hard trying to get reception. Most people managed to get reception at the brassiere, on the golf course...basically where it was mostly populated and civilised. Vodafone people on the other hand got reception about even more in the middle of nowhere. By that i mean, if i were to stand on the very edge of the golf course, i would get reception there.

Oh another thing i found interesting. At one point, all the kids there were seated around a table and we all had our phones out. Every single one of us had an iphone 4s. I can't even. In my head i was thinking 'if i didn't get my phone a few days earlier, i'd be sitting here part of this group with my brick nokia....and they would all be judging me.' (but then again...they probably already did cos i was the only one not wearing designer clothes..........)

Have i shown you guys my beautiful wallpapers on my phone? :'D

IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL ;________________-; 

In other k-pop news, i recorded my piano cover of julia.