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Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @ 12:34 AM / 0 comment(s)

I know it's not the 16th still, but let's pretend it is. Plus, I was meant to write this post before midnight anyway but I got a bit caught up reading 1Q84, which by the way is really quite an um... interesting book. A bit detailed at some areas but nonetheless an interesting book. Especially tengo's story. That's interesting.

So today (yesterday) I spent an extremely productive day making stars. I really do not have a life. And like Michigan, I also spent the day watching sesame player but I only got through one episode mostly due to the fact I woke up at noon and the internet is way too distracting.
But the internet is not the only thing that's distracting. Australian open has started once again so yes, I am now pretty much either glued to my television or my computer. Fun. Tomic vs. Verdasco was a very intense match. I'm still a bit surprised that tomic actually won since he was down 2 sets to love but he did it so yay! :D

Oh guys, guess what day it is today? 17th January = kiseop's birthday. Expect a kiseop dedicated/appreciation post today! (:
Ohhh and before I forget, BYEEE KIMMMMMM! Have a lovely time frolicking in LA. :D <3