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Sunday, January 15, 2012 @ 9:13 PM / 2 comment(s)

New layout! :) I'm still feeling a little ocd about the sidebar because the navs don't look aligned properly with the text below it but whatever. Ooh yeah, i've also finally made a cbox so that's exciting.

Anyways, today I found these strips of paper for making stars in my draw, so I found a jar and i've decided that i'm going to fill it complete with stars by the end of this year :D I've got 8 in there so far LOL But i will get there, oh yes i will. I'll have to find some other coloured paper though or else the stars in the jar won't have enough colour variety :L I also have these paper for making paper cranes. I made one today and i tried to make another except the paper kept ripping =='

You know...with this new layout, i feel like you guys should be reading deep and meaningful posts but instead...you guys stuck reading this. Ha. I'm sorry.

Ooh, did i mention..yesterday i had this massive (well not really) cleaning spree. I chucked out so much geography & history sheets, it felt wonderful. The amount of geography sheets i had o_________o' So much trees must've been cut down..

Well..i have nothing else to write and i can't think with my brother constantly playing chopstics behind me so i'll leave it here.

Good night. :)