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Tuesday, January 31, 2012 @ 9:30 PM / 0 comment(s)

I am so tired right now.

The only teachers i am content with so far are my english and music teachers. At least i know i will learn something this year though i am a bit disappointed that i don't have morris and simmons but turner and mac should be good. Chem teacher..i guess he's okay but he's really quiet and has an accent which makes it hard to understand him. You do not understand how badly i want davis as my chem teacher.
My physics teacher makes me want to bash my head against a wall. I will learn nothing this year from him. He doesn't teach, he just goes on and on about things (at 1000 words per second) in physics that interest him and expects us to take notes.
Praying that this maths teacher is good and i will learn something this year.

4 periods of science related subjects tomorrow. I am going to die.
I always knew i hated wednesdays.

Oh and i got moved down a roll call. 11F sounds so bad D: