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Monday, January 30, 2012 @ 4:57 PM / 8 comment(s)

So there's this trainee called Barom (who's from sydney 8D). Anyways, he just posted this picture on his twitter and one of the fans he met in the picture looks like michigan LOL Same haircut and everything. It's fascinating.
Oh and exo's prologue single sounds better in mandarin than it does in korean in my opinion :L

Reading through my brother's school newsletter i realised how different it is compared to my primary one. His one is so...conversational and informal while i remember my one was so formal and official looking. Oh and can someone tell me what school banking's for? I've never understood it o_o
Oh..just realised. My brother's in year 6. Wow..he's nearly in high school :O O_O'

I am also, extremely terrified for year 11. I'm hoping i get a beautiful timetable with wonderful teachers that i will learn things from. That's all that matters. I don't care if the load of homework is heaps, as long as i can have those things i will be happy. GODDAMIT SCHOOL, WHY CAN'T YOU SEND OUR TIMETABLES TO OUR PORTAL OR SOMETHING.

PS. rachelle, i'm catching the train with you tomorrow :D

Here have a picture of daehyun because his voice is beautiful and i love him. (and also because my blog looks bland without pictures.)

The more times i listen to warrior, the more awesome it sounds.