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Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @ 9:36 PM / 6 comment(s)

I did say i was going make a kiseop appreciation post for his birthday LOL. Even though i did get a tad lazy and just took my edit from my tumblr but hey, it's kiseop so no one cares right? Right.
I find it funny how people are reblogging my kiseop selca appreciation post which i made a few weeks ago today only because it's his birthday :L

If you clicked 'read more', here have some more glorious kiseop pictures.

Last two pictures were uploaded onto twitter today 8D 
Hahaha i remember when i used to make specially dedicated posts to every single Super Junior member :P WHICH REMINDS ME. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KANGIN! And of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KISEOP! :D ♥