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Happy Lunar New Year!
Monday, January 23, 2012 @ 9:41 PM / 8 comment(s)


Recount time.

So on saturday i went to this chinese new year dinner with people from my parents' hometown. I knew absolutely no one there (well, except my family of course). It was this gathering of the 'pingtan association' or something. I remember going to this ceremony thing last year with this association and my dad forgot to tell me that you were supposed to dress up for it. So i turned up at that dinner wearing extremely casual clothing and what was every other female in the room wearing? Formal dresses and heels. Now at this dinner, my dad assured me that it was casual dress, so i went wearing jeans and then what do i see other people wearing at the dinner? Dresses and heels. Anyways, the food was alright and the night in general was alright. I felt extremely anti-social that night though despite my resolution of wanting to be more social. I spent the whole night watching tennis. Hewitt vs. Raonich. I...still can't believe hewitt won. o_o And and and nishikori won today! :D Aw it's cute watching him play. Well i found it funny when he was serving and he just suddenly stopped and breathed in and out slowly and then served AHAHA aww. Oh and li na losing yesterday..................i cant' even. Good lord. My parents, well more like my mum is still annoyed about it LOL

Today i went to this temple in canley vale. It was so small and crowded :/ But after that i went to nan tien temple. The drive was so long T_T BUT I SAW MICHIGAN THERE! :D I remember i was nearly falling asleep again when we drove the entrance and then i saw this person as we were driving and i was like ':O :O WAS THAT MICH?' And it was 8)

I just found an 11 minute Infinite performance. Epic. My parents are going to kill me for downloading it. Oh well, i'll just not download anything big until the 5th of next month.........Oh and i also want to change my sidebar image to a gif of all these idols.....but i won't. However, i am tempted to though xD
My transcribing of Julia is....slowly coming along. I've already got it all figured out on the piano but putting it on to musescore is screwing it up. The timing's all weird and askdjahsljkdasld. Actually, i think the key's wrong too :L