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Wednesday, January 25, 2012 @ 10:18 PM / 0 comment(s)

You know what i don't understand? Why people feel that it is necessary to put personal information and details of the person/people they dislike. I was on this show subbing website the other day and they had a 'blacklist' which was for people who reposted their videos without giving credit to them. I don't see a problem with having a blacklist because those people who reposted should've respected the original subbers of the video and not take their hard work out for nothing. What i did have a problem with was the fact that they had that person's name, address, pictures, ip address, facebook, website etc. Not only that, it had links to his parents, siblings and whatever other relatives' facebook profiles. Does it really seem necessary to have all these personal details being put on the internet for anyone to see? To be honest, to put details like that out on the internet because that person reposted seems a bit drastic and not at all necessary.
Also, i'm sure most of you have seen the video of those group of teenagers bashing up that asian guy. I thought that video was disgusting and i do hope the teenagers which bashed the asian guy up got punished for what they did. After the video went viral all over youtube and tumblr, a post appeared on tumblr. What was this post? Personal details of every single person that was in that video. Their name, their addresses, their numbers and their facebook profiles. I mean..really? REALLY? I get that people want them behind bars for what they did but is it really necessary to have those kinds of details being spread all over the internet? There was also this girl that made a video to explain that video of those groups of teenagers and why they did something like that. You know what happened? Her details also got put all over the internet.
I'm not surprised if those people get stalked and bashed up on their way home from school..or even get stalked by pedophiles or something.

I don't understand some people in this world.