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Thursday, January 12, 2012 @ 10:28 PM / 4 comment(s)

I borrowed a book from the local library for the first time in ages (excluding the time when i went there to borrow millions of books on macbeth for the english yearly). I'm determined to finish reading 1Q84 before it is due back at the library. Ooh fun fact about the title of 1Q84. It's got something to do with George Orwell's 1984 and in japanese Q is 9 so yeah, 1Q84 :D ...I found that cool, don't mind me..
I'm also determined to finish the book that Denise let me borrow last year before we return to school so i can give it back to her. So i guess this means, less time shall be spent on the computer and more time will be reading.
At least that's another one of my many new years resolution i'm fulfilling. Reading more books. I used to be such a bookworm in primary school and now these past few years, i've pretty much stopped reading altogether. The only books i remembered reading last year were the ones for school and iron king series.....which reminds me, i still need to finish reading the series :o

On a side note, english tutor wasn't so bad today. Turns out i'm not actually going to be a loner because Bonnie's going to be in my class :D The annoying and really crude dickhead is still in my class. The things that come out of his mouth..................
Hmm now i have to find that movie the teacher wants us to watch. Hi bonnie, if you're reading this. Good news is, my library does have the movie. Bad news.......it's checked out until the 24th :|