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Saturday, November 19, 2011 @ 9:33 PM / 0 comment(s)

I'm slightly at a loss of words as to how to start this post so i'm just going to go straight into recount mode.

The formal was wonderful. I had so much fun and even though my immensely high expectations of the food weren't exactly met, the night was still nonetheless, amazing. Everyone looked so gorgeous and beautiful and amazing and pretty and -insert every other adjective that means the same thing as those previous words-. 
Dancing awkwardly in a corner is always fun. Also, watching guys dance is quite interesting. They either kinda jump around head-banging or do a weird pelvic thrusting kind of dance. If they don't dance like that, then they kinda just move side to side or shuffle side to side awkwardly. 

Summer music was quite fun too. For the first time i actually stayed for the multicultural food festival and i tried lebanese food for the first time haha. It's so yummy omg. 
I forgot my part to 'And i love you so' :\ But the acapella did pretty well i think :D Liz did great (as usual) with the solo :') The year 8 duet performance was so good. That girl had such a pretty voice and the year 11 solo. Oh good lord. If i can be half as good as she is, i'd be pretty happy. 

On another note, Kim Bo Kyung is an amazing singer. 

I can't think of anything else to say. Oh yeah, good luck to the people going on duke of ed tomorrow! Don't die :) ♥