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Thursday, November 17, 2011 @ 12:17 AM / 1 comment(s)

Well green day was fun.... Okay not really no, but it wasn't too bad. Helping to set up morning tea I'd actually more tiring that I thought it would be haha. Selling cakes was fun though, we sold everything hehehe (Y)
LOL these people from one of the schools that came today were complaining about how boring and shit they thought it was on facebook. I don't think they realised I can see everything they're writing.

I will get at least 8 hours sleep. I don't want to fall asleep at the formal table :/
I have immensely high expectations for the food considering it's the Hilton. And plus, I paid $140 for this, I expect the food to be 183738262 star quality.

Bonne soir.