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Self esteem.
Saturday, March 26, 2011 @ 3:58 PM / 0 comment(s)

I'll admit it. My self esteem isn't that great but at least i'm happy enough with myself to not always put myself down about it. I used to want to be as skinny as snsd and my goal was to be yoona's weight (46kg), but now? Not so much.
I have this friend. Every time i see her or talk to her, it seems that she would always say things like. A few days ago, i was talking to her and all she could seem to say was things along the lines of:
"I'm so ugly"
"I'm so fat" 
"I'm imperfect"
"Everybody at my school is 100x prettier than me"
"I'm stupid"

Why are you always putting yourself down? It seems like everything i say, you won't believe me and you deny it.
Firstly, you're not ugly. Don't even think about saying that to me again.
Secondly, fat? That's the most bullshit thing i have ever heard. You're not even 55kg and yet your 175cm+. That, is called underweight. 55kg is supposed to be my normal weight and i'm probably more than 10cm shorter than you
Thirdly, nobody's perfect and nobody ever will be.
And fourthly, stupid? You're kidding me right? You're one of the smartest people i know. You're hardworking and you actually bother to put effort into studying for tests. How else do you think you manage to get all those A's?

I know that we all have self esteem issues, but it's when people are constantly saying these negative things about themselves that i start to think they're only doing this to receive compliments.
But, i know we tend to deny compliments, not because we want to receive more, but mostly out of modesty. 

So after i've said all this, if you're just saying this for me to reply "no you're not ugly, you're not fat, nobody's perfect and you're smart" Then don't even bother.

And trust me, you don't want to lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time and feel like you're going to be sick everyday.
It's not worth it.