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China nostaliga
Saturday, March 26, 2011 @ 8:53 PM / 1 comment(s)

On Wednesday i blogged that i will write a extra long post today and here shall be the post. See rachelle, i'm keeping promise 8) (hahaha and look, i did mention you LOL aha i'll make another post after this xD)
Since i'm going overseas tomorrow, this will probably be my last post and you will all have to wait 5 weeks before you get another ): i know it's quite depressing -COUGH-
So this post shall be about China. Yes, China, but not facts or anything, no, this post will be of my memories of China.

My first five years of life were in China. I remember having to wake up really early every Monday for boarding school. My mum would wake me up and together we would walk down to this local shop that sold bubble tea and tea eggs (for those who haven't tried tea eggs, ZOMG YOU'VE BEEN DEPRIVED LOL) Then i'd catch this mini van that would take me and a couple of other kids to boarding school.

Boarding school was probably one of  the best and worst times of my life. I had heaps of fun being with my friends pretty much 24/7 and playing on that massive trampoline LOL but can you imagine being away from your parents for a whole week and only seeing them on the weekends when you were 3? I went to boarding school from when i was 3 years old until i was 5.
Though it may seem tough that a 3 year old was already living in a stranger's care without her parents, boarding school has taught me many things. How to be responsible and independent. They taught me how to play piano, dance, draw, sing etc. They gave me the chance of appearing on national television, performing in front of large crowds and winning a massive teddy bear, and obviously then, that large teddy bear was all i cared about x)

I remember once (i was around 4?) when i had returned to China after a holiday in Australia, that i was at my cousin's house for this big dinner. The oldest one took us out around the streets and she bought my and my other little cousins bubble tea and those street snacks. She told us she wasn't allowed to buy any for herself because last time she did, she got caught after she couldn't eat anything at dinner and got into trouble. I remember going back to her house and not being able to eat anything because i was so full. My parents were both like o_________o' 'why isn't she eating anything?'

I came to Australia in year 1 and i completely had to forget about China altogether. My Chinese DVDs all got confiscated by my dad in order to force me to learn English. By the time i had changed school into a more...'White' school, i had nearly completely forgot about the language and my culture altogether, and all my memory of China consisted of boarding school and how horrible it was. So you can imagine that i wasn't too thrilled to find out after nearly 6 years away from China, i was going to go back in year 6.

When i went back to China in year 6, i remembered that i didn't want to go back at all. After all, all i remembered were mainly the bad times and those bad times overshadowed the good times. But the trip to China in year 6 was one of the best trips i'd ever had. It had completely changed my view of China altogether. Instead of wanting to leave as soon as possible, i didn't want to leave at all. I knew that there was an unlikely chance i'd be able to go back soon.

But now, after 4 years of waiting to go back. I can finally go back to China, i can finally see my cousins and family and i can finally relive the fun that i had in year 6.