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Thursday, July 19, 2012 @ 10:04 PM / 2 comment(s)

B.A.P's album is really good. Like really, really good. Everything flawless. Just like Dalmatian's album. Flawless albums. Along with BEG's album. And C-Clown's album isn't bad either. Pretty good for a rookie tbh (but b.a.p is perfect as a rookie)(and barom yu is from sydney so yeah that's another plus).
Flawless albums these days that i want but i can't have, because no job = no albums.
I think it's time to get a job.

I have nothing to blog about these days. ~sigh~ (firstworldproblems)
Oh wait, i have a story LOL. On the weekend i was watching baby videos with my dad and i saw these baby videos of me that i've never seen before. Anyway, i was watching a video of me at my first birthday and i was seriously the fattest baby ever. I was literally a round ball. And my ears were huge. Oh, and i had no neck too. Anyway, i don't know if all asian parents do this but what my family does is on your first birthday, they sit you down and place objects in front of you and the first thing you crawl to and grab and so on, has important significance or something. So the objects i had in front of me was biscuits, money, keys, a book and a pen. The first thing i crawled to was the book but i knocked that out of my way to grab the $100 note HAHAH. I never let go of that $100 note and i was clutching it to myself so tightly omg. I also never let grabbed the pen and never let go.
My brother on the other hand, the first thing he grabbed were the biscuits and as soon as he grabbed them he started smiling. It was actually really cute LOL Dammit, my brother was really cute when he was a baby. I'm so disappointed. What happened there. ):
Oh there was this other video of me when i was at boarding school. I was 3/4 at that time and i.....was the biggest show off ever. I also had these coordination problems :L. It was like a sports day there and all the kids in my class had to walk across this mat whilst bending over (kinda like a triangle...i don't know how to describe it). Every 5 steps i would fall when i did that and i ended up holding up everyone behind me since i was fast. I nearly died laughing at myself. And then, when you reached the end of the map, you were supposed to run back to the start but did i do that? Noooo, that was too mainstream for little julie. I decided to go back the same way i came and ended up bumping into the people finishing. The teacher had to drag me away from the mat LOL. I actually did this twice. The other time was after that activity and we had to jump through hoops. When i finished, i started jumping back through the hoops HAHAHAHAHAHHA.

Okay, end of story telling. I have dd hw to try and attempt.