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Wednesday, May 9, 2012 @ 11:58 PM / 0 comment(s)

(listen up, this is my tragic story. Just the breakin' of my heart. Check it.)
Well, it's been a while.
So let's summarise everything that has happened in the past two weeks if i can even remember in few dot points, in a stream of consciousness style. Allllllllllllllllright.

Anyway, i will go to sleep now and do my english creative writing tomorrow during my free. The teacher's being awfully nice about people handing in these pieces late. I think if i don't hand it in tomorrow, i would probably be pushing her niceness to the limit ahaha. 


You insensitive bastard askdjahsjkldhla.
I will slap you one day. I swear i will.
AND YOU, you need to stop having such low expectations of yourself and tell him 'bitch no, i can get a 99 atar and do medicine at uni'