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Sunday, May 20, 2012 @ 12:18 AM / 1 comment(s)

Now that there's actually a tenant living next to my room i've always wondered what goes through the tenants heads when they hear me shouting at my brother, singing really loudly or making strange noises and jumping around the house.
I wonder if they sit in their room calmly enjoying their piece and then they hear me starting singing at the top of my lungs and think 'dafuq is that noise'. Or perhaps when they hear me shouting at my brother and being annoying they think 'dear god, what have i gotten myself into'.
Now i'm always cautious to see if the new guy is home before belting out into song because well, he's not used to my weirdness yet.

I bet they both judge me when they see me.

On another note, i saw my tutor from last year today with his girlfriend at westfield (big nose anyone? yeah). LOL OMG IT'S WAS SO AWKWARD. Probably cos it's my fault BUT STILL SO AWKWARD. Cos he was walking in my direction and i saw him and i was going to say hi but then decided against it cos 1) he was with his gf and 2) i thought he didn't recognise me anymore lolol. SO, i turned around and pretended not to see him and then i thought i heard someone say 'hello julie' and i turned around and still pretended not to see him until he walked past us and then i finally said hi.
(cool story bro).
Yeah, it was just quite awkward and perhaps you had to be there to experience the awkwardness.

Goddamn infinite. I have nothing to say except this:
and this: 

Oh, and can we just take a moment to appreciate dongwoo's teeth and his gorgeous smile.
and this otp too.
Because as much as i support the YaDong & Myungyeol otp, MYUNGSOO & DONGWOO ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER AND IDK IF IT'S BECAUSE THEY'RE MY BIASES BUT LOOK AT THEM. ;____;

I refuse to acknowledge the fact that dongwoo may just overtake myungsoo as my bias one day. I REFUSE TO ACCEPT IT BECAUSE....myungsoo ;~;

okay bye.