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Wednesday, March 7, 2012 @ 8:00 PM / 0 comment(s)

Let me tell you a story. A story that doesn't quite make sense and flow but well, you'll get the idea. 
I've been exhausted all day. During english, i was so unbelievable tired, it was rather strange. Actually, really strange because i slept earlier last night. Thank god we had a sub today and we only read the novel we got for the double period because i could not stay awake at all. I didn't even realise i was dozing off....
I feel like i've slept through every single one of my subjects. Oh you guys know what was the one subject i was productive in? Maths. Yeah, i was so hyped to do maths after sleeping for a whole double L O L
Anyways, so after all the sleeping done today during school, you'd think i'd be extremely awake by the end of the day right? No. As i was walking home, i swear i was going to start dozing off again. When i got home i had to take my medicine (oh gee being sick 2 days before maths common sure is great). As i was taking my medicine, i read the bottle label. 'This preparation may cause drowsiness'. Oh, i see how it is. Now here is when a flashback occurs. I remember this morning, my dad pouring that medicine into that little cup and saying 'here, i'll pour you a little more than usual'. 
So long story short, i blame my dad for falling asleep during double english, my free period and chem. 

I was going to have a break below the above post and extreme fangirl but i can't be bothered now. I'm too tired and too cold.

But guys, gongchan is perfect.