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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 @ 7:35 PM / 3 comment(s)

This post may sound a bit bipolar.

It feels like i've been doing maths for the past few days. I haven't stopped doing maths o_o' It's crazy. Guess what else i have to do tonight? Yep, maths. Oh gee. OOH BUT DID I MENTION I'VE CAUGHT UP IN MATHS ;________; So happy right now. And i did most of my work during my free today so i only have one question left :')
It feels good being up to date with your work LOL

My ipad is also getting backed up at the pace of a snail. WHY IS IT SO SLOW AKSJDHASKLD D<

On a side note, isn't it interesting how after someone points out something, you immediately start to notice it more and more?

I wonder if you know how hurtful your words can be.

Ohmyfuckinggod myungsoo you gorgeous beautiful perfect man. 
Started watching shut up! flower boy band today :D Myungsoo is so beautiful in this drama ;__; So much perfection. I cannot handle this.
I have a second favourite in this drama. KYUNGJONG! He is so adorable :'D YOU SO CUTE. WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE. LET ME SQUISH YOUR CHEEKS.
And do il is really pretty :o OH OH and byunghee has the scariest eyes i have ever seen. It's like O__O. He is also a massive creeper lmfao.

Oh and happy birthday woohyun :3 ♥