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Saturday, February 4, 2012 @ 11:18 PM / 2 comment(s)

Well tutor wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be. I ACTUALLY UNDERSTOOD THE TOPIC. IT'S AMAZING :'D I feel so proud of myself. Actually no, not really considering i've done the topic before last year BUT STILL! I UNDERSTOOD ITTTT! :D (and sorry i kept taking your book though michigan ^^")

My internet comes back tomorrow. REJOICCEEEEEEEE! So happy :')
I've got so much to catch up on. Infinite videos, block b's new album, ft island's new album etc etc.

Oh and i spent most of today trying to make an infinite google chrome theme. I was finished, i had put everything in, made all the banners and background and stuff and i downloaded my file and when i tried to install it, it didn't work. ALL THAT HARD WORK WASTED. ARGH D<
Oh well, at least now i have another wallpaper :L (but i really want to use my theme D; )

Going back to do maths homework :/