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Monday, January 2, 2012 @ 11:17 PM / 4 comment(s)

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Oh god, i am horrible at these. I never have anything to write. This also reminds me of day 1 of the 30 letters. That was the longest i've ever written in my entire life. These letters won't be as long though. My brain is currently not thinking of anything decent to write about.
Anyways, here we go.

1: Good luck this year! How dare you leave me us and go to another school. I'm ashamed tsktsk ): Ahaha just kidding but i do wish you the best for this year. Hope you do well and beat every single person at that school, show them some st. george spirit! English has been fun with you this year, especially watching you accuse every single person on our table of taking your things when all along it was right beside you. Don't ever forget about your friends at st. george and if you do, i will come hunt you down. Oh yes, i will.

2: I hope you're having a wonderful time frolicking overseas without me. How dare you have such a long holiday which would mean i wouldn't see you until the start of school. The kiseop you drew on my christmas card is definitely one of the best pictures of him i have ever seen. Especially his box abs, that was definitely the highlight and focus point of the picture. Anyways, i hope you're enjoying your holiday doing things 100x more productive than what i'm doing. PS. Why are you never on msn you bum ):

3: Hi. I love all of you and want to marry every single one of you. You are all so perfect and it makes me sad. WHY ARE YOU ALL SO MUCH PRETTIER THAN ME ;________; AND YOU'RE ALL GUYS TOO. THIS IS NOT RIGHT. OMG. AKLSJDHALJSDHALSJDHSLD. But i love you all so it's okay.
Am i too creepy? Probably. One day i will meet every single one of you and attend every single one of your concerts. I will probably get attacked by the security guards and other scary fangirls but that's okay. Because i have skills and i will see all of you live (without getting attacked by security guards and scary fangirls). You'll see.
You can also probably see, i need to get a life.

4: I hope you're okay, I really do. Though i may not comment or ask if you're okay, i want you to know that i do care and i am here for you. Scratch that, we're all here for you. I've told you this before and i'm going to say it again, things will get better, i can promise you that. Any time you ever want to talk, just know that i'll be here for you and i'm willing to listen. This also reminds me, i need to reply to your email, which i will do. Asap. (when my internet's not capped and about as slow as a snail).

5: You're an ungrateful little brat. Just because you don't want to do something (which is so trivial) does that mean you should immediately think that everyone's against you and they hate you and want to make your life miserable. I would've expected you to be a little more mature but i guess not. Also, stop eating my food. You're going to get fat again if you continue doing so.

6: I hope you do draw yourself a sharpie moustache :D But it's okay if you don't though. I'll draw one for you.

7: Unicorns and peanut buttercups. Sometimes i wonder if people on facebook think we're complete retards and wonder why they know people like us. Oh well, we are special. Also, the halo theme song is intense. Fun.

LOL my letters are getting shorter and shorter...

8: I will make you both proud. I promise. To you, i know you don't actually have little or no expectations of me but i will prove to you that i can also do well and i will make you proud of me. And to you, thankyou for always believing in me. I'm sorry to have disappointed both of you so many times but the upcoming 2 years, i will make you proud.

9: I miss you so much. I won't get to see you again until after my hsc and by then I'm scared you would've forgotten me by then. Actually I was scared you would've forgotten me already but last time on skype you still remembered my name. I was crying tears of joy in my head hahahah. Don't you dare forget me, because if you do, when I return I will remind you of all the things you said to me and embarrass you. Oh, and I will also show the video my dad has of you crying and throwing a tantrum. Aren't I the nicest cousin you have? From, your favourite cousin.

10: Hello strangers who stumble upon my blog. Actually there's a lot less of you since the url change but whatever. I hope you're all having a fabulous day and an amazing 2012 so far. Also (like Denise) I am going to do some self promotion. Y'all should follow my tumblr, my twitter and also my k-pop tumblr. I would follow me if I were you, just saying.

Good day.
