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Wednesday, January 11, 2012 @ 10:05 PM / 6 comment(s)

Let me talk about random things in particular for this post today. Dot points for this post to somehow summarise what's running through my head. 
  • There is something extremely wrong with my mouse and it's driving me crazy. Every single time i click on something once, my stupid screwed asdhkalsjkdhaklsj mouse decides to click it twice. And i can't highlight anything and it keeps screwing up on me when i try to close tabs and it ends up closing more than one and ugh. I need a new mouse asap. 
  • MBLAQ's album and mv is so good. LIKE SO GOOD OMG. IT IS SO INTENSE. It's great. 
  • Did you know, Bubzbeauty can paint? She's amazing at it too. 
  • One of my new years resolution goal is to be more outgoing and talk to people more. In a way, i'm starting to achieve it.....even if she does live in canada and the only way we talk is on fb, tumblr or twitter :p You know i'm always jealous when i see all these people i follow talking/spazzing to each other on tumblr and i just sit there lurking while in my head i'm going 'LET ME JOIN IN TOO. I WANT TO BE FRIENDS.' But no, i'm too socially awkward for that. 
  • GDA is on now and everyone on my dashboard is blogging about it and i'm so clueless on what's going on. I want u-kiss to win something but i don't even know if they're there. All i know is b1a4 won a rookie award and super junior won a popular award :D 
  • Oh and today i spent most of the day watching teen top videos. o________________________o L.Joe has awesome english 8) 
This post doesn't even make sense to me. Oh well. Have a good night everyone :)