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Friday, December 30, 2011 @ 4:33 PM / 0 comment(s)

Right i'm going to blog properly today.

So happy belated christmas everyone! I hope you all got what you wanted and had a wonderful day :) Ohh and a happy belated birthday to rachelle too! :D ♥

Okay, let's recount my past week. From 25 - 28, i was stuck in the middle of no where playing cards and learning how to gamble. Oh, how fun. You know, it's been years since i've spent christmas at home. These past few years i always seem to spend them away from home aklsjdhaskljd ):
Anyways, back to recouting. So uhhh yeah, went to the golf course for 4 days with 2 other families. To be honest, i thought it was going to be the most boring 4 days of my life because 1) i'm awkward and antisocial which would mean that even though there's a lot of more people staying at the river house this time, i would still be in my corner watching dramas and being alone and 2) no internet. But it didn't turn out all too bad. I learn how to play mahjong and poker so for every single day i was there, i was literally playing poker, blackjack and big 2 the whole time. Oh and i got through about 5 episodes of my girlfriend is a gumiho so i'm pretty proud about that too :P

[This recount doesn't make sense at all. omg ==" ]

I don't think i stopped eating throughout that stay there annnnnnnd, i can't remember if anything else happened that was interesting. OH WAIT I KNOW. GUESS WHAT GUYSSSS? I got to drive a golf cart. 8D It was really slow though. Much too slow for my liking =="

And now that i'm back, it's back to my usual life of doing nothing productive. :D