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I love kindies.
Thursday, December 1, 2011 @ 10:02 PM / 0 comment(s)

Can i just take the moment to say how much i love hanging out with kindergartens? They're so friendly and they seem to always say hi and smile at you. Also, i love Fu Yu. Not only is his name awesome, he's such a cute kid. Oh, and also (well my brother enlightened me on this but..) that if you shortened his name it would become F. Yu. But he's still so adorable with his asian accent and his little monk haircut :3
SOOO CUTE. That boy. And pikachu too. 

So today was the school's presentation day and i had the great pleasure of being the person to take the kindies to the toilet. Which they happened to need to go every five minutes. Anyways, at one point Fu Yu needed to go to the toilet so i had to take him outside and along the way he kept smiling at me hehehe :3 (he has this really adorable smile) even though he has no idea who i am cos i haven't worked with his class as much as i have with the other. WHY? WHYYYY? HIS CLASS HAS LIEM AND MYLES AND THEY'RE BOTH SO ADORABLE. SOOOO ADORABLE.

Ooh, i have finally learnt all the names of people in the loud class. I feel extremely accomplished 8D. There is: Sharon, Ornisha, Kiara, Diana, Gabrielle, Anastasia, Emerson, Jett, James S, James A, Mason, Harvin, Vanya annd Daniel. There's a Rishika too but she's in India. I actually hope i've gotten everyone and haven't left anyone out.. x)

I didn't really do much work with the kindies today and instead i helped out at the library. Oh those good old library monitoring days. Except i didn't have to sort any books and instead i was stocktaking them..which is actually quite fun 8) Anyways, at the start i was stocktaking the books and the message 'not initialised' appeared so i asked the librarian what it meant and what was her answer? 'Are you Roy's sister?' I thought it was quite interesting how so many teachers knew i was roy's sister so i told her that and she said 'Oh no, i didn't know you were. It's just that when you asked me that question, it reminded me of roy.'
Oh, i see how it is. This is not good. Not good at all.

Oh another thing i found funny today. Drama in kindergarten. I was talking to Ornisha at recess and she picked up this thing next to the teacher's desk (you know those things you put on cupboards to make them look pretty...umm..figurines...mini statuey things...i dunno. This one was pink and had a heart on it and it was very pretty). ANYWAYS, Ornisha was like 'Jett gave this to Narlisa but she didn't want it so she put it here. Jett likes Narlisa but Narlisa doesn't like him. He also likes Emerson.'
LOLOL a player at such a young age. Well, i don't blame him. He's adorable enough to be one.
Then after lunch he came in all angry and was like 'THAT BOY WAS HOLDING NARLISA'S HAND'

End recount.

Last day of work experience tomorrow ): I'm gonna miss these kindies, and Fu Yu, Liem and Myles (which i guess in a way is kinda creepy because i'm never even really met them properly L.O.L)

I am not a pedophile, i swear.