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More kiddies.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 @ 8:55 PM / 0 comment(s)

I've learnt my lesson feet. Never wear flats when you're going to be standing up all day and walking around, and especially if you're late and you end up running to school...from home.

Today was a lot more productive than yesterday. I actually did um.. 'teacher-like' things ahaha. Testing the kindies is quite fun but home reading on the other hand is just...so tiring. Especially if they're a slow reader and the book is sooo long. SO LONG. I was about to fall asleep halfway testing this kid :/

Ooh, and i learnt the names of the girls in the loud class. I feel quite accomplished. As for the guys, i'm getting there, i'm getting there. It's just that two of them look so similar i can't distinguish them. There's this girl in the class called Diana and she has the nicest blue eyes ever. And her voice, GAAH HER VOICE IS SO ADORABLE. I had to listen to her read first and i was just melting at her voice cos it was just too adorable.
Sharon told me this morning she was chinese and then her friends were like 'no, she's japanese. We know'. Then i saw her name on the roll, her last name? Nguyen. Yeah, i don't think she's jap LOL So basically i spent pretty much all morning at the loud class's room.

After lunch i went to the other class to help sort out books, again. I felt like it was library monitoring all over again. Stamping books and then putting them away. ==" But what i realised from the quiet class has the asians (who are all boys), and these asian kids ARE THE CUTEST THING EVER. OMG. THEY'RE SO TINY AND CUTE. And they all have asian accents. Especially Fu Yu. The asian accent really shows, it's adorable. Liem is so cute but kinda bossy and he's such a goody two shoes hahaha :3 I love Fu Yu omg. His show and tell was so cute. SOO CUTE. There's also this kid with an american accent which i thought was cool too. Oh yeah, the ratio of guys to girls in this class has got to be something like 4:1 or something.

Oh yeah another funny thing i heard. When i was testing this girl, Gabrielle, i had to ask her what word began with 'F'. She said "Hmm...fff, i can't say rude words.....' I was like 'huh...? rude...words? o_o you know them...ALREADY?!'

Anyways, enough recounting for today. I am going back to watching dramas.

Au revoir. :)


Proud fan :')