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Au Revoir Year 10.
Friday, December 9, 2011 @ 11:30 PM / 4 comment(s)

Hello everyone. It was speech day at school today so i had to arrive at school at 8. 8 AM IN THE FREAKING MORNING (for acapella) BUT STILL D; I was so tired .So bloody tired.
Overall i'm actually quite happy with my school certificate results and even though i didn't get all band 6's (well frankly i knew i wasn't going to get all band 6's) i'm still quite please :P My school report on the other hand.......ehhh, well, i know i could've done better. At least this time i didn't fail geography LOL

Year 10 has come to an end and 2011 is slowly coming to a close. Overall, it's been a pretty great year despite the ups and downs. I know i kept saying how i wished i was in year 7 again but i bet by next year, i'm going to be wishing i was back in year 10.
Time flies by extremely quickly doesn't it?
For those who aren't coming to school next week, have a wonderful holiday, christmas and a happy new year! For those who are. I'll see you next week ;)

Anyways on another note, guess what? I created a new tumblr HAHAHAHA But this time, it's dedicated to k-pop so i don't have to spam k-pop on my main one anymore 8)
If anyone's interested: (here)
Next stop: Twitter.

Wow, i'm really going to have no life in the holidays.

Oh let me tell you a conversation with my mum and i.
Me: Hey mum.....next week's last week of school and since pretty much no one is going to be there....can i not go from wednesday to friday?
Her: ...Hmm, okay. Good, you can stay home and do more homework! :D
Me: ...that wasn't exactly my plan. 
Rachelle, YOU'RE GOING TO SCHOOL NEXT WEEK? Omg. I am so shocked right now LOL I'll be there next week though ahahaha 8D