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Thursday, November 3, 2011 @ 12:25 AM / 0 comment(s)

I think having my Internet taken away from is slowly starting to drive me crazy. You might think you will end up finishing all your homework and end up going to to sleep earlier but I guess for me that's not the case. Instead of finishing off my ICT book, which is long overdue, I've decided to re-watch Maknae Rebellion and laugh at Onew for falling off his chair. I've decided that making girl bands sound like guys is definitely more productive than doing my tutoring homework, (and might I add, they sound like hot guys too). I've decided that sleeping late is of course, so much more healthier than sleeping at a reasonable time and getting the required 8 hours of sleep.

What's sad about this, is that it's only being two days. But it's okay, two more days and I get my Internet back on the weekends. I will finally be able to download all the new albums, live performances and maybe download Sunkyukwan Scandal.
Oh yeah, school certificate's next week. I actually forgot that momentarily until I read people's blogs.