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I am alive.
Monday, November 28, 2011 @ 9:18 PM / 0 comment(s)

I am alive. I AM ALIVEEEEEEEE. I feel so relaxed now and i dont' know what to do with my life anymore. Oh well, more time to catch up on dramas and variety shows. Flower boy ramyun shop, come to me.

I always find it fascinating how younger generations talk. Looking at my brother's skype conversations with this girl who he talks to every day his friends, i've realised that they tend to overuse the word 'lol'. Every single sentence it will always contain a 'lol'. Let me show you an example:
A: Do we have a strike tomorrow?
B: lol no.
A: Oh okay. My sister's coming to our school tomorrow.
B: lol. i can see if you 2 look alike.
A: She's weird
B: lol really?
A: She says she's adopted.
B: lol that's funny. lol
Moving along to another topic, i get to annoy my brother work with little kiddies tomorrow at work experience 8D I bet when i see my brother he's going to ignore me and pretend he doesn't know me like that time i went to his school for his project thing. Either than he's gonna be all awkward like 'oh. that's my sister. okay. kthxbye.'

And a random observation, you see that gif there. I have that poster in the background. HARHARHAR.
