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Sunday, November 27, 2011 @ 10:18 PM / 5 comment(s)

Last year the worst thing my teacher could say to me before my piano exam was "Don't worry Julie, at least you'll pass". Now, i think that could be the best thing ever said to me. Every single year my goal had been an A and now, all i want is to pass. Just a C, the lowest grade you can get and i would be so happy. But, i don't even think i will even be able to get it. I've left it all too late.
To be honest, i think i'm too calm right now. Usually around this time before an exam i'm freaking out but today i seem to be unusually calm. I can only think of two reasons as to why i could possible be so calm. The first would be that i'm extremely prepared and i'm practised enough and i'm ready to blitz the exam. The second would be that i've already given up and accepted the fact that i'm just going to fail so why bother. Since i highly doubt the reason would be the former, i would have to go with the second.

Or maybe, i'm just so emotionless that i probably won't start to feel the nerves kick in until 10 minutes before my exam.