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Wednesday, October 19, 2011 @ 6:23 PM / 16 comment(s)

Well i knew i was going to do shit on the maths yearly so i didn't expect much with my result. Still, i would've liked to do better, and by better i don't mean get around 90%.
Let me emphasise one more time how much i hate being told that i should do general maths. Bitch, i'm not going to do general maths. I don't care if you think that i'm not capable enough to do mathematics. there's no way i'm doing general maths. There's no need to tell us that we're only capable in doing general and that we would struggle doing mathematics. I've already done the year 11 mathematics course. I already know what it's like and you know what? I can cope with it. 

So i listened to snsd's song and i've seen their mv. The MV was pretty good, well the first minute was really good. Yoona and Tiffany are so pretty :o 
Anyways, i don't particularly care about the MV, what i care about is the song. The song wasn't that bad in general, but still not great though it is 100x better than 'Oh!' in my opinion. The only part i didn't like was when they rapped 'Girls Generation, make them feel the heat' (or something like that). If they had just rapped that part once, i probably would've thought the song wasn't too bad, but they rapped it three times. Once is fine, two is pushing it slightly and three times i wanted to stop listening altogether. The repetition of the rapping made the song really repetitive, actually the melody and the 'Bring the boys out' party made the song really repetitive (and a bit annoying). Also that little part before the song started when that really deep voice was like 'The boys, they boys, they boys...' was slightly strange and scary o_o 
Tiffany and Seohyun have amazing voices. I wanted to hear Tiffany sing more though. Jessica has a really good voice range but i still really dislike her tone of voice. 
Oh yeah, i just want to say; i loved the first minute of the mv. The part which was like a mini intro where they showed snsd just walking around in pretty dresses. The music was so nice with the synthesiser sounds and strings along with that really strong beat in the background. That was my favourite part ahaha.
Oh and doesn't the first few seconds sound a tad bit like Telephone? O_O or was that just me :L
Long story short. The song lacked flow and it had no sense of structure. The first minute of the song was good but as soon as the 'chorus/rap' thing came in, it went downhill from there.

I'm hoping the songs on their album are actually better. Oh, and i still think genie was their best comeback.