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10 random facts about me.
Saturday, October 1, 2011 @ 11:07 PM / 4 comment(s)

Because all that's in my brain right now is evolution, embryos and fossilisation. (I AM STUDYINGGG!) and i'm sure no one wants to hear me go on about how unproductive i have been. So yes, here are 10 strange/boring/random facts.

  1. When i'm alone, I like to do my hair in retarded ways and then laugh at myself in the mirror solely for the purpose of entertaining myself, and maybe cheering myself up. 
  2. I also like to deface my pictures & make embarrassing gifs with embarrassing pictures also for my entertainment and to make me laugh. Yes, i enjoy laughing at myself. 
  3. When i get changed in the changerooms, i will immediately fold my clothes after i've taken them off LOL Like yesterday when i was in a shop. There  was a table with a pile of clothes on and every time i picked a piece of clothing up, i would immediately fold it and then put it down. 
  4. I like to arrange my food in a certain way. By that i mean, each thing has to be separate and placed neatly on the plate. I hate it when all my food is mixed together (unless it's pepper lunch). 
  5. I have a goal to keep my maths workbook completely neat. So if i write a title in the wrong colour, or my margin's not straight i will white it out.  
  6. I think i have mild OCD :L Which is probably obvious after those above posts.
  7. When i open a draw in the house i tend to either kick it shut or pelvic thrust it shut. HAHAHA 
  8. I give up easily. If i can't do it after a few tries, i tend to give up, unless i'm being extremely determined that day. That's why i don't tend to play games o_o' 
  9. I can be entertained by the littlest things. That's why i don't study very well :/
  10. And last but not least, if i'm happy i start to skip and wave my arms about in a really weird way (kind of like flapping like a bird...LOLOL). I do this a lot at home or in public. Like yesterday, when i skipped into myer waving my arms. 
Yeah, these are the first things that came to mind :L 

On a side note, a week's gone past and i've hardly started studying. ASKJLDHAKLJSDHLASKJDHALSKJ. 
