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time flies.
Thursday, September 22, 2011 @ 9:57 PM / 4 comment(s)

In the morning, the year 12's had a mock assembly and in the afternoon there was the farewell assembly. Speeches were made about the good times the year 12's have had at the school and the stress of the hsc etc. Listening to these speeches it was kind of like, -bam. epiphany time-
This is going to be me in 2 years. 2 years, and i'll be sitting in that hall, doing the mock assembly and listening to the deputy ridicule the entire grade. In 2 years i'll be graduating, doing the hsc and hoping to get into a good university. In 2 years, high school will be over.
I can't even imagine graduating from high school. You know what? I can't even imagine being so stressed for the hsc and filling in university application forms. These things feel so far away but i know that it's only in a year or so, that i would have to do these things.
2 years may seem like a long time, but time seems to fly by. I feel like it's only just sunk in that i'm in year 10 now. It doesn't even feel like four years have gone past already. It feels like it was only yesterday that i walked into the school for the first time as a year 7.
I have to come to the terrible realisation, i'm becoming old. Soon i'll be getting white hairs and i'll be in need of a walking stick.

To be honest, i'm terrified for year 12. Terrified but excited at the same time. And honestly, i don't even know if i'm going to survive. I mean, looking at my yearly examination schedule already makes me want to cry.
As quoted by my one of my tutors: "how are you even going to survive through year 11 & 12 if you think year 10 was hard?" 
yes. HOW AM I GOING TO SURVIVE? D; i'm going to get white hairs and then  they'll all fall out and by the time the hsc comes around, i'll be sporting this sexy bald look due to all the hair loss.

This post is all over the place. This, is an example of what happens when i try to be all knowledgeable and wise. LOL
On another note, i called my composition 'Déjà Vu'. IT RHYMES WITH MY NAME OMG. I never realised until last night lololol. [sad life]