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Don't do this....or you will get cancer, and die.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 @ 9:43 PM / 6 comment(s)

One thing i find extremely unreasonable about my mum is the fact that every little thing i do will somehow lead to cancer and/or me dying.
Yes i know some things may cause consequences but half the things my mum says aren't even related to causing death or cancer.
"Don't watch too much television, or you'll get cancer. And die."
"Don't go on the computer too much, or you'll get caner. And die"
"Don't stand in front of the microwave, you could get cancer. And die"
"Don't drink easyway. The pearls are dangerous and you will get cancer. And die"
"Don't watch Korean dramas, it will make you dumb which means you'll get cancer. And die"
"Don't listen to k-pop, it will also make you dumb, and you'll get cancer. And die"
"Don't have posters on your wall. No wonder you're so dumb, you're going to get cancer. And die"
"Clean up your room, it's so messy you might get cancer. And die"
(notice the dramatic full stops after the word cancer. Yeah that's right, this is the time when dramatic music needs to start playing. DUNDUNDUNN)
I swear this is what she says. No joke. Okay, some of these were made up but seriously, majority of them, i've heard them all. And every time she says one of these things to me, i know she's trying to act all threatening and scare me but i just want to laugh. It's too funny HAHAHAHA :'D

If i ever happen to die one day, it's probably one of these causes. Or walking into a car, i seem to be an expert at doing that.

on a side note, omg idol league is so funny. aksjdhasljdhl kiseop. Y U SO BEAUTIFUL?!