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Long time no blog ;D
Thursday, May 5, 2011 @ 9:36 PM / 2 comment(s)

Yes i'm back. finally after a....month(?) from blogging :P
I don't plan to blog a lot about China :L cos there's not much to blog about. My daily routine most of the time was  wake up -> eat -> shop -> eat ->eat more -> shop ->go home -> computer -> attempt to do some hw -> fail -> watch tv -> play with baby cousins -> eat -> sleep.
Yes. Even in China, i'm still has productive  as ever ;D
OHH and china has an epic way of eating yoghurt. Instead of peeling the cover off, you stick a straw into the cover instead 8D 
and i get to go back in 2 years. YESSSSSS 8D after hsc =____= so i guess i shall go back if the stress doesn't make me go crazy LOL

ohh and one more thing about china. The maths there is super advanced it's not even funny omg ==" i went back and i forgot how to do quadratic equations or something and when i asked my dad for help, my uncle walks by and what does he do?
WELL..since he's a teacher, he calls up his maths teacher buddy and asks him how to teach these things to students and then he goes 'ahh yes, i thought that was how we teach it in china, WELL in australia they teach it a different way blah blah blah yes i know, so pointless blah blah blah. AHAHAH yes, my neice is in year 10 this year. Yes, year 10 HAHAH and she's only learning quadratics this year AHAH"
And he said that to whoever he saw next. My auntie came home, BAM "heyy look at julie's maths homeowork. they learn this in year 10!? here we learn it in year 7. AHAH"
OMG STFU. i don't care =___________=
but yeah, i was looking at my cousin's maths book and he's in year 8 right. O___O i saw parabolas in it and i asked him if he learnt that this year. His response? "oh that? ohh we learnt that aggesss ago"
yeah i felt super smart in china =_____=

Anyways. I have about 12893710892730189231 exams coming up. Yippee =________=
Mental breakdown by next week? I think so.

On another note. U-Kiss 0330 album + After School Virgin album + f(x) Pinocchio album + Dream High OST makes me happy :D
and i'm trying to figure out how to play 0330 on piano by ear hehe. i'm not going to try and get help by looking at tutorials x) hopefully i won't give up too easily haha