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i survived...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 @ 8:00 PM / 0 comment(s)

the massive science test. But i can't describe how horrible it was and though, i did make a few lucky guesses, those 21 multiple choice at the start were one of the most horrible horrible questions ever.
I do not recall learning any of those things last year.
It's quite silly, how our year 9 topics count for 10% of our school certificate mark this year. I mean, we already did topic tests every few weeks last year and every year for year 10s the science department decides to be cruel and make a test containing all 8 topics. This proves that the science department is indeed one of the most horrible and evil department in the entire school.

i love these things. NUMBER-GEHTTIII 8D

omnomnomnomnom :D
they're so yummy LOLOL
mine has toy story on them 8)