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Friday, February 25, 2011 @ 8:48 PM / 0 comment(s)

Long time no blog ;D
No not really. it's only be 3 days.
Anyways, i really don't have anything to blog about anymore. Nothing's exciting at the moment unless you count a massive pile of homework exciting.
Have you ever had a stomach ache test during tests? Yeah, not a good feeling is it?
LOL yesterday at tutoring was funny x) On the back of the room on the wall, there's this poster called '100 ways to praise a child' and i shall list some for you (the ones that i remember.....)
I'm not really sure 'you've got a friend' is very appropriate way to praise a child...but hey, it was written by some parliament guy. 

Ohh and the moment when Bonnie finds out the education of our tutoring teacher. It's really quite entertaining.
"what?! you used to go to sydney tech?! whaaat? i thought you came from james ruse or something. oh no, oh no."
"what?! you go to macquarie uni?! but but didn't you say you went to sydney or something?! oh no, oh no"
well, you had to be there to see her reaction. :D

and the quote of the day: "doesn't james ruse do cows or something?"
or something along the lines of that.