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Sunday, January 30, 2011 @ 6:41 PM / 0 comment(s)

I think it has finally dawned on my today that the holidays are pretty much over. 6 weeks and i don't think i've achieved anything (unless you count achieving something as finally finishing downloading all the songs i've lost and putting every single song back into the itunes playlist). I've attempted to do all my tutoring homework, but i never ended up finishing them. I make up bullshit for writing and hand it in, hoping i get a good mark. Yeah, i think some of my new years resolutions have already failed.
I know i've probably already said this before, but i wish i could go back to my primary, even if i didn't really enjoy those few years, but they had their benefits. Back then, there was hardly anything to stress about, everyone was a lot nicer, more innocent and i find that people can make more friends easier when they're young. I think the most stressful thing about primary was the selective test =____=
I remember on the first day of tutoring this year, everyone was sitting as far apart from people as they possible could. It was so silent and no one talked. At all. Second week, it was exactly the same, it was still so silent and this week? Yep, silent. Except Judy came, so i was talking..non stop :|  Now, if i compare this to those first days of tutoring back in primary school, i remember everyone talking to you, trying to be friends and getting to know each other, and when i had to make up classes with a room full of people i didn't know, everyone was so friendly and i got everyone's msn on the first day LOL
I miss those people.

I think a part of me wants to actually go back to school but the other part wants to stay at home and sleep till 10. Hopefully, the education part of the new years resolution, i will actually stick to it...for a few weeks at least.

I'm going to go to sutherland public tomorrow to ask about work experience. I don't think i've ever felt so nervous :/ What if they ask me why i would rather go to that school rather then my old primary? I don't think i can say 'oh, it's because i don't want to go back to that place i've finally escaped from 4 years ago' Hopefully, i'll think up of something soon D: Wish me luck! ^____^