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Monday, March 19, 2012 @ 2:54 AM / 3 comment(s)

Looks like I'll be doing the maths test on 4 hours sleep. Woot.
Suppose it's all by fault for leaving everything to the last minute. 10 or so exercises to catch up in one day... At least I managed to catch up..even though it is the day or well early early morning of the test.
I nearly had breakdown today because I felt like such a failure for not being able to do some of he really simple stuff. I've never hated maths more in my life.
Fuck you series and sequences, and you too sets and especially you transforming graphs and functions (which I still haven't looked at yet) Ohh and also you, proving root 3 to be irrational. WHY? WHHHYYY?

Hope everyone had a much better day than I did and a much better night as well. :)
Good day.