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347 Jongups.
Sunday, February 26, 2012 @ 11:07 PM / 4 comment(s)

Guess what i did today? Instead of finishing my english book and analysing it, instead of doing my extension english hw or instead of catching up on 1298379 exercises in maths..i made gifs. I spent the whole day making gifs.
Made a yongguk gif (which got more notes on tumblr than i expected), a super junior mv gif photoset (which took me foreverrrrr akjsdhasjkdhl) and a jongup gif photoset....for chris. LOL

347 screencaps of him just to make 9 gifs and not even half of it is in this picture. THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SEVEN...

Don't think i'll be making gif photosets for a while.........

Okay, time to finish my book. I AM SO CLOSE I CAN SMELL THE END..okay not really. Bye.
l o l
371 super junior screencaps =_=