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New Year.
Sunday, January 1, 2012 @ 9:50 PM / 0 comment(s)

This was my new years resolution in 2010:
- to be less lazy.
- to stop procrastinating.
- to do all my maths homework.
- to do well in my school certificate.
- to be nicer to my brother. (i'm such a nice sister LOL)
- study.
- not attempt to study last minute.
- stop spending so much time on the computer.
- to be more careful around my house.
- to exercise after eating enormous amounts of junk food instead of sitting on the computer
I don't think my new years resolution are going to change since none of these resolutions have been achieved. Except instead of 'do well in school certificate', it'll be changed to 'do well in all exams'.

I went and saw the fireworks yesterday! :D My dad's boss's apartment (Omg. One day, i will live in an apartment like that) had the best view of all the fireworks i swear. It was so pretty :o It was actually my first time seeing the fireworks live at the city so yeah, yesterday was fun hahaha.

Hope you all had a great new years day! :)