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Tuesday, December 13, 2011 @ 11:45 PM / 3 comment(s)

To become even more antisocial from the world, i now have twitter. Annnd i've already used up my hourly usage on twitter and all i did was follow people. Okay well follow about pretty much all the kpop idols on twitter BUT STILL....that's hardly anything ): Thank god tumblr doesn't have a usage....

I hope everyone's found my blog after i changed the url :P HELLO, IF YOU DID! (: Which most of you probably did..
Um yeah.

Today basically consisted me pigging out on junk food and watching movies. Not a bad day to finish year 10 off :)

Oh and Rachelle, i do not remember nearly killing a koala O___________O

/edit: actually, I remember now. LOLOLOLOL yes, I nearly killed a koala.....but it was a toy! :O and I fixed it too so alll good ;D