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Wednesday, November 9, 2011 @ 12:40 AM / 2 comment(s)

Like everyone else i am also going to talk about the school certificate. Let's start of with maths. It wasn't too bad but i already know i got two questions wrong. One of them was one of the non calculator ones where it asked you to write the largest integer or something. Me being the extremely smart person i am, didn't understand the question and was confused actually wrote down -infinity.
Then there was history/geography. Ha. I fell asleep during that test. I woke up and there were all these scribbles on my paper..... I started doing both of them at the same time because i couldn't think of anything to write for the extended response. I wrote 3 paragrahs on coastal management. 3 paragraphs.  And that's was the big long-ass response worth 15 marks. Ugh, I hate geography. FOREVERRRRRRRRR.
I also knew nothing about communism. There goes 30 marks down the drain. Oh yeah, I knew nothing about the united nations as well. 35 marks now. I wonder if I'm going to be the first person at my school to fail a sc paper....

Well, if I look on the bright side. I have no more exams at school anymore! :D And there's also these things to look forward to:
- Jinwoon's solo album/single
- Son Ho Young's comeback album
- Luna Park
- Summer Music Featival
- Work experience
- Holidays
- My Internet 24/7
- Sleep

Alsmsjsnskdhsjajdjdd. I have to wake up at 6:30 tomorrow to catch a 7:14 train just to get to school at 7:45.
FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU. And it's 12:41 now.
Hm, the Japanese students that are coming to the school tomorrow are going to see a zombie singing in the acapella.
I would insert a highly relevant gif but I'm not on my computer so I can't.
