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Sunday, November 13, 2011 @ 8:46 PM / 2 comment(s)

Well, I've had an extremely productive day of doing nothing. I started watching flower boy ramyun shop and aksjdahsdjkasl. It's so good. Jung il woo is so cute and park min woo is so cute as well and askdjahsldkj they're all so good looking and the drama is so funny and yeah.
I'm back into my drama phase again. Yay.

Have i mentioned how much i love Son Ho Young? Okay well. I love Son Ho Young. Best solo singer ever.

I saw a really creepy old man on the train yesterday coming back from chinese school. I was so scared of him askjdahkldj and me being the extremely lucky person i am sat right behind him. He kept staring at people and he even leaned forward to stare at the girl sitting in the seat in front of him wtf. Then i saw him roll a cigarette up on the train. And he got off at my station askdjahkldj.
Why do i always seem to see creepy old men on the train? WHY?

Ugh. My desk is a mess. My ocd side is telling me to clean it up but my lazy procrastinating side is telling me to wait till later. Decisions, decisions.

I am also going to recount Luna Park. As soon as we got inside i dragged people to go on the ranger with me, because everyone loves the ranger (except Erin and Priscilla, tsktsk). In the same line as us were these group of students were probably the most rude and racist son of a bitches i've ever seen in my life. They made Kog. High look like nicest people one earth. They were pushing and shoving us. They were swearing and making stupid comments which included 'Oh guys, we should let the coloured people go on first'. Bitch please, you're just as 'coloured' as we are. Other than that, Luna Park was quite enjoyable. 

Riding the merry-go-around was fun. Denise rode a cock rooster. She did make the comment that it was very hard and long though. Or was that me and Christabel.......? Anyways, lining up for the Tango ride was interesting. There was this korean guy in line and he was dancing the whole time to k-pop. I thought he was pretty cool and quite hilarious. Even when he was on the ride he was still dancing to his k-pop (which i thought was fascinating). 

After roll call, some people left and i ended up going to the city with Christabel, Kim, Denise etc. Spending the rest of the day at the city turned out to be more fun than Luna Park ahaha. As usual, i ended up going to chinatown and the k-pop shop, which happened to be 10x more lively than usual. Especially the k-pop shop, there were these people dancing in front of it and the shop was so busy. There was this girl that was dancing to Change and there were these old men looking at her LOL o_o Oh, and Christabel bought me a Boyfriend poster 8D

However, obviously the highlight of the day was market city and morning glory. I will visit it again just to see those cute guys. /sad life.