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Little kiddies.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 @ 7:03 PM / 5 comment(s)

Warning: This is an extremely long post that is all over the place. I'm sorry it's all text. I would totally insert a fascinating and relevant gif, but i can't be bothered and i want to watch tangled. 

Well kindergartens are certainly interesting to work with. So, i'm being shared between two classes. The first class has quiet kids who are so adorable and quiet...and calm and the second class....well, they're adorable yes, but oh my god, they are so loud and.....loud.
For the whole morning i sorted out books into 30 levels. The teacher said to me 'you'll have to use your judgement and decide'. My judgement sucks shit. I bet i put them all in the wrong order. Oh well. I finished this sorting the books 10 minutes before lunch so the teacher told me to mingle with the second class's kids. Guess who got dragged around the classroom and then all through lunch time playing queens & princesses, mums and dads, zombies, bullrush, rich and poor people, camping, jumping and tips. These kids, i can't even...their energy.... o_o
After lunch i helped out with cutting things out in preparation for christmas activities tomorrow :3 Oh, i also forgot to sign out today.... :|
Ooh and something i found funny today. Everyone seems to know i'm roy's sister o_o

Overall the day was pretty good minus a few things that left me quite, which i shall blog about.

So. Let me ask you a serious questions guys. Do i look old? Like seriously old? Like old enough to be a mother to a 6 year old.....or have a 11 year old as my son? LOL o_o
The number of times that i got asked if i was someone's mother today was...... shocking. I can't even....omg. Since it was the kindies asking me, i didn't mind too much because...well, they always say the weirdest things. I remember this one time a few years ago my brother asked my piano teacher's husband if he was her dad. AHAHAHA. Anyways, back to my story. So what made me sad was the fact that a teacher asked me if i was someone's mother. I mean, COME ON. I DON'T LOOK THAT OLD DO I? D;
Then at lunch, my brother came up to me and the little girl that was dragging me around everywhere was like 'Is that your son?' ...excuse me, WHAT? Son? SON?! If he was my son....that'd be the creepiest thing ever.
Ohhhh and there was this girl in an older year. I don't like her. No respect at all, none at all. She threatened she was going to dob on me AHAHAHAH ):

Out of the two classes i'm helping i only remember a few names. I swear, they all look alike, it's ridiculous =="
In the quiet class there's this kid called liam and he's soooooooooooooo cute. SO CUTE. I think he's eurasian and he's so adorable askljdhaskljdas. But i didn't get to work with their class today ):
In the loud class, there's Sharon (the girl who dragged me around everywhere), Ornisha (her friend), Jett (who is also the cutest kid ever. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. He has really nice eyes with really long lashes :o ♥) and Harvin (who i only remember cos he was whining at the end of the day because he didn't want to watch a movie LOL). Those are the ones i remember, but there are kids called James, Diana, Kiara, Anastasia (who i remember was really cute...but looked kind like Diana...or was it Kiara...o_o ), Vanya and ...uhh i don't remember anymore :o

OHH another random thing. Before lunch Sharon and i had a small conversation which made me mentally laugh so hard.
Her: How old are you?
Me: 15
Her: Ohh. Do you have a boyfriend?
Me: Uhh...no
Her: Why?
Me: Because...i don't want one..
Her: But you should get one
Me: Why?
Her: Because you're in high school
Me: I'll wait till i'm older
Her: But you're are older than me.
Me: Uh okay then. Do you want a boyfriend?
Her: No. nononononononono. 
Funny child that one. She will go places i'm sure LOL. Oh, i can totally imagine her doing drama in the future.