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Friday, November 25, 2011 @ 11:13 PM / 22 comment(s)

Received 'fuzzies' today in peer support training. :3 I felt very loved and fuzzy and warm :') There were all so nice and lovely. There were some that were a bit strange though... but they will come in handy when I'm sad and I need something to cheer me up :)
I feel bad for not writing fuzzies to Jess and Tracy because they wrote me one ahaha x) So I shall write them on here, should they happen to casually stumble upon my blog.
Hi Jess, I hope you reading this because I know you sometimes come by my blog :P I really only started to get to know you last year but it feels like I've known you a lot longer :) You're so crazy and protective of your japanese idols and hey, I completely understand. I understand all your fandom struggles and frustrations. The life of a fangirl is hard and I'm sure many can back me up on this. Anyways, you're such a funny child with your attempted 'innocence' when I know you're really not. You're so cute ehehe ;) 사랑해.
Helloo there Tracy! My wu sister :D We have this wu connection that no one else will understand. You're so crazy and umm..slightly weird with your obsessions with drawing penises on everything. French class has been fun with you and I wish you the best for French next year because seriously, I cannot imagine doing French for another year. I like your extremely tight hugs even though it feels like I can't breathe :L Ahaha remember to do super well in next year and in the hsc cos that means I'll do well too LOL

I like fuzzy messages. They really make me smile.

Oh yes, so much sexy on my tumblr dashboard. So much.