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Tuesday, November 22, 2011 @ 8:29 PM / 0 comment(s)

So apparently on May 22nd, it is 'Buy-A-Musical-Instrument Day'. Now you all know what i'm expecting on my birthday next year. A white grand piano. Ahahah just joking, but seriously. One day when i grow up, i will buy a white grand piano.

These past two days have been such a bludge. The only subject i did work in today was maths. Fell asleep during science, french teacher forgot about us so i ended up playing cards, played sporcle during music (with the annoying sub hovering nearby) and played sporcle again during geo.
Yes, i've been playing sporcle a lot today.
Mr M made a slightly disturbing comment at the start of science and i quote: "If you girls don't want to watch this movie, i have a dirty job for you to do".

Winning edge tomorrow, then peer support training. YEAAAAH.

I am going to read the recap of episode 7 & 8 of Flower Boy Ramyun Shop but before i go, let me show you some beautiful music for you to bask in.

Everyone will bask in amazing-ness of this music.