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Saturday, October 8, 2011 @ 10:40 PM / 2 comment(s)

Yay. I have something to blog about now. Florence tagged me so i shall do this tag :) Btw, i don't plan on tagging 11 people. So uh... yeah :D
This is not a particularly interesting post. I don't think i'll be blogging after this post for about week. I seriously need to catch up on some study. :/
Have a good week guys!
And to the people at my school, GOOD LUCK. Hope you guys have studied way more than i have (:

1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

11 Things about me:
I already did something similar to this before (here) but i shall write up another 11 things then :L
1. I'm a massive procrastinator. So far, i have made no notes and plan on last minute studying. Yeah, i'm going to fail my yearlies.
2. I like lame jokes. If you love them too, i'll probably love you.
3. I'm a very stubborn person. If i think i'm right then i'll continue arguing until i prove myself to be right, unless i'm lazy and i can't be bothered arguing and just let it go.
4. I'm also very blunt. I tend to speak before i think most of the times.
5. Honestly, i don't think i'm a very nice person. I think it's probably due to how blunt i can be sometimes, along with how sarcastic i can be too. I'd like to think i'm nice but sometimes, i really do think i'm a horrible person. However, i do try to be nice to everyone.
6. I can't hold grudges. Even if i want to hold a grudge, i can't.
7. I really like composing music. :)
8. I tend to weigh myself a lot. Well, i used to weigh myself a lot. Before i used to weigh myself almost everyday to see if i've gained any weight. I don't weigh myself as often now but i'm still rather determined keep my weight below 50kg.
9. I wish had perfect pitch. I really do. I'm trying to help my sense of pitch now...so hopefully i can do the sight singing exam for music and do well on my music yearly :) Today i found out Nickhun has perfect pitch :o
10. I want to grow 1-2cm until i reach my goal height. WHY CAN'T I GROW ANOTHER CM?!? ):
11. I really like listening to ballad/rnb type of songs. Yeah, i really can't think of anything else about me.  

Florence's Questions:
1. Favourite game/game series/MMORPG?

Fristly what's an MMORPG? o_o' Anyways, i don't play games much. I give up way too easily. But you know what game you should all play? Robot Unicorn Attack. :D
2. Favourite band/song?

I have a lot of favourite bands. At the moment i really like U-Kiss :D Along with B1A4, Boyfriend, Super Junior, 2PM, Infinite etc etc. I also don't have a favourite song from them.
3. Favourite drink?

Juice? o_o Mountain dew...water...i don't know.
4. Favourite pizza flavour?

Cheese? I don't really mind the pizza flavour unless it has salami on it..or there's too much meat haha.
5. What do you do in your spare time?

Eat, sleep, go on the computer. Download a lot of random things, watch a lot of random things. Seriously, one time i got so bored i started watching korean idols speak english. I wasted about an hour watching that.
6. Favourite/most used emoticon(s)? 

:)/(: :D xD x) o_o :P ;)/(; 8D 8) ;D
I like to abuse my use of emoticons.

7. Future plans?
I want to do well in the yearlies and SC. I will study hard for the HSC, hopefully make it into UNSW and do bachelor of optometry/vision science. If that fails, then i'll go to USYD and i shall do an primary teaching course. That's my goals at the moment now.
8. Where would you like to go in the future?

Everywhere. But first stop is South Korea, then Paris. I'm hoping to say 'Quel beau mec' at Paris a lot ;D
9. What is your current computer/laptop wallpaper?

It's a slideshow 8D Of these two pictures ahah.
Eye candy x infinity. 
10. What are you gonna name your children? (Boy and girl names please. :3)
Well, for a girl i always liked the name Indigo. For boy...honestly, i have no idea. I've never really thought of a boy name.
11. Most visited websites?
Tumblr, Blogger, Youtube, Facebook. Yes, i have no life. 

Ooh my questions. Get ready for some cliché questions that don't connote anything. (ha, you see what i did there denise?) 
1. What's your favourite song and why?
2. What's your favourite book and why?
3. If you had to be stuck on a deserted island, who/what would you take?
4. What is your favourite animal?
5. Have you ever had any celebrity crushes? If so, who? 
6. What is a habit you wish you didn't have?
7. Future plans?
8. Do you have anything stuck on your wall? If so, what?
9. What is your favourite subject at school?
10. What is the closest thing to you right now?
11. If you were an instrument, what would you be?   

Now since i have to tag someone. 
Denise & Liz. Do this too (if you're bothered and have nothing else to blog)? :D If anyone else wants to do my questions as well, please do! :D
Florence tagged pretty much everyone else of my affiliates list ahaha xD

oh and christabel, if you're reading this. 
click it.