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Sunday, October 16, 2011 @ 7:33 PM / 2 comment(s)

Denise's Questions:

1. If you knew that you had one day left to live due to a disease of some sort, what would you do and why?
I would live that one day to the fullest. Do everything I've always wanted to do that I never achieved. I want to do things like skydiving, bungee jumping, visitseoulandhugallmybiases etc.

2. If you knew that one of your friends had one day left to live, what would you do and why?
I'd do anything to make sure that they live that one day how they want to live it. Does that make any sense? (I think my wording is wrong...)

3. If you were given one billion dollars but with a contract that said that you weren't allowed to spend it on yourself, what would you spend it on?
My family, friends, charities etc.

4. Which would you rather: doing a job that you love for the rest of your life with little pay, or doing a job that you hate that pays you generously?
Would it be possible to do both jobs? Like one could be a day job and the other your night job? o_o But then i'd probably be exhausted every single day so maybe not.
I think, in my head i would probably want to do the job i love for the rest of my life despite the head, but in reality, i would probably do the job that pays generously. Considering that it would pay generously, i would become pretty well off right? So after doing a number of years doing a job i hate, i would quite and do a job i loved with little pay. That way, i would already be well off from doing that previous job and still doing the job i love.
Yeah, i don't really understand my logic either.

5. If a person murdered someone that you loved, but spent the rest of their own life in guilt and shame, having already done their time in prison, would you be able to forgive them?
Haha Denise, i remember you asking me this question before.
Well, since they have done their time in prison and they are spending the rest of their own life in guilt and shame, i probably would forgive them. I would assume they would have learnt their lesson and understand what they've done. However, if it happens a second time, i wouldn't be able to forgive them no matter how sorry or guilty they feel.

6. If you could be famous instantly from one thing or for one thing, what would it be and why?
Something good i've done? Or a talent. That would be nice too :)

7. If your memory was suddenly wiped out, what person do you reckon you'd become if you still had to live your life without answers?
I would probably go slightly insane? If i had to spend the rest of my life without answers i would go insane. It would drive me completely crazy.

8. What's one thing that you'd love to do that you haven't done yet, before leaving this world?
There's a lot of thing i'd love to do. I would love to go sky diving, despite the fact that i would be extremely freaked out. I would love to go to a live concert. I would love to travel around the world. I would love to meet every single one of my biases. I would love to get good marks for all my tests. I would love to name so many other things but my brain isn't functioning well right now and i can't think of anything else at this moment.

9. What's stopping you from doing it? (in reference to no. 8)
Lack of money, my slight fear of heights and my procrastination.

10. Love. Now, with the first person that popped into your head with that word, why not write a message to them here, even if they never see it? Tell them something that you'd want them to know, if you were to never see them again.
Isn't it interesting how nothing really popped into my mind. See what popped into my mind wasn't actually a person, but a cartoon picture of a pink/red heart.
So with the next thing i would associate with love. Family.
Hi mum & dad,
Thanks for putting up with me. Thanks for always being there for me. Thanks for always helping me when i need it. I'm sorry for my bad temper. I'm sorry for my lack of good grades. I'm sorry for getting so angry with you sometimes. I know i'm not the best daughter but i do try to not make you guys disappointed.
Hey Roy,
You're such an annoying brat. Sometimes i want to give you a good slap across the face to get it through to your head that life does not revolve around you. I hate how you keep coming in my room these days to make a conversation with me when i'm studying. I hate how you always come into my room saying 'Still pms-ing?' I hate how you take your anger out on me. I hate how you have the worst temper ever. I hate how you're 100x smarter than me and it's unfair.
However despite the fact that you're annoying brat, i like how it's always you that tries to make a conversation with me. I like how you always use proper grammar when you write on skype to your friends, and you don't swear which actually surprises me cos you swear a lot to me.  I like how you put up with me annoying you. I like how you sometimes remember to save something for me to eat. I like how sometimes you can actually be human and have feelings.
Yeah see, i'm not such a bad sister after all.
This is turning into one of my '30 letters' thing from last year.

11. Would you be able to say the same thing in person if the time really comes for it? (in reference to no. 10)
If the time really came for what?
I don't think it would be much of a problem to say these things to my family now that i think about it. But knowing me and my inability to express my feelings well (i swear i have the emotional mindset of a man), i might not be able to say these words.
But, who knows?

Now because i like Liz's question and i also want to procrastinate from studying french, i'm also going to answer Liz's questions :)

Liz's Questions:

1. If you had any other first name than the one you have now, what would you choose?
I don't know. My name was supposed to be Julia because that was the name my boarding school gave me in China but then when i came to Australia and my dad told the office lady at pps my name was 'Julie' and yeah.

2. Are there any teachers at school whom you thought were terrible, etc., but when they taught you, you changed your mind?
Yes. Same as Denise, Ms Mac. Ohmygod. She's an epic teacher LOL I had her as a scripture teacher in year 7 and i remember every lesson i would be so scared of her cos she always seemed angry at us. Then i had her in year 8 for english, and even though i disliked the amounts of homework she set us, she was a wonderful teacher. I actually learnt something and she turned out not to be so mean after all.
However unlike Denise, i will always be scared of my current science teacher. The only thing i find funny about him is his extreme love for computers.

3. If you had a lucid dream (self-controlled) where on Earth (real place, please) with unlimited money and time would you go, what would you do and who (1 person) would you invite to come along with you?
I would go to Seoul and go to every single concert of my favourite bands.
Why 1 person? D: I can't take just one person.

4. Why am I spending time doing this instead of starting to study on Science, Maths, Geography, History, Latin and Music like I should be? (it's a good question... I expect a good answer)
I am doing this because i thought i needed a break from studying french. Actually no, i'm a massive procrastinator and i've spent my whole day on tumblr so i thought 'why not finish the questions i was planning on answering'. So here i am, answering these questions instead of memorising answers on what my house looks like and what i like to do in the holidays.
Is this a good answer?

5. What would be your ideal meal (with as much or as little as you want, and no health consequences just for this one meal)?
All the foods i love? It would also contain a extreme amount of chocolate. Along with the food on tumblr.

6. How many hours was the shortest time you slept for before a day and why?
2 hours. I went to a sleepover at my friend's house. She bet that the person who would fall asleep first would be me. Being the extremely competitive person i am as well as having a lot of pride, i proved them wrong and i ended being one of the last to sleep. I went to sleep at 5 and woke up at 7. I don't even know why i woke up at 7.  

7. What was the first significant thing you thought of when you read the word "safety"?
Security. Is that significant?

8. When are you going to sleep on the night before the Science and Geography exams if you're going to sleep at all?
On that day i went to sleep at around 1. Like i did for the previous nights.

9. When are you going to wake up on the morning before the Science and Geography exams if you slept at all?
I woke up at 6:45.

10. What are five things that are currently within 1m^2 around you that you would take with you on a 36-hour journey?
My water bottle, my wallet, an umbrella, my ipod and my phone.

It sounds like a dog's name.