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kim is lame.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 @ 9:57 PM / 0 comment(s)

Hello, another tag.
Hope everyone has a lovely evening.
Kim is lame.
Her questions are weird.
Anyways, enjoy :)

1. If you met a hot dude walking down the street what would you do?
 ...This reminds me of that questionnaire that you made me do during music when everyone was off in Dubbo. Anyways, if i saw a hot dude walking down the street, i would walk up to him, do the 'kim hair flick' and get his number. LOLJKS. I would do nothing. I'll look at him and walk away and then tell my friends about how i saw a hot guy walking down a street.

2. What super power would you choose if you had to pick? 
Invisibility. See how great this would be? I can get on a plane free cos i'm invisible and all, fly to Seoul, get in past security and then meet my favourite idols. I could also get into concerts free too. Oh, and if i'm every involved in an embarrassing or an awkward situation, i could just turn invisible.

3. Be a fake sparkly fairy in the sun or a hairy dog?
The one that nearly hit Bella with the van.

4. What is your definition of a lame joke? 
Entertaining and extremely hilarious jokes that only people who are awesome will understand.

5. Embarrassing moments that happened in front of something you liked? 
'Something' i liked. I don't know if i have any embarrassing moments in front of 'something' i liked.

6. Pink or Hot Pink? And Why? 
Pink. Hot pink hurts my eyes.

7. Would you mate with a guy just because he was the last man in the world? 
Your choice of words is fascinating Kim LOL
No, i would not 'mate' with a guy just because he was the last man in the world.
/Forever alone with my 50 cats.

8. List the things you would do if you were a male for a day. 
Okay first of all, i would throw a massive (but short) party because i would not have to suffer from periods any more.
Then i would try out to be a kpop star LOLOLOL. Cos i wanna be in a male idol group 8D And be a part of those really cool variety shows :D
I also want to find out if getting kicked in the balls is really as painful as it is made out to be.
I'm going to eat as much as i want.
I can't think of any more reasons.

9. Top or bottom? (you may choose anyway to interpret this question)
I am not going to answer this question.

10. What would you tell the person whose birthday was today and you didn't get a present for them even though you were bragging to the whole world that you were the greatest friend ever? (All must answer cause I know that no one that I know would be in this situation, I think) 
I would tell them that i left the present at home and i promise to bring it tomorrow, along with a massive card + birthday letter telling them i'm so sorry and yeah.
Which reminds me kim, i still have your birthday letter. I will give it to you one day. I just have to remember. If i keep forgetting, i'll just give it to you next year :D

11. Last but not least, would you turn gay for me? (A legit question I must say so myself)
I thought we already established this.
We are engaged.
(However if i was speaking from a serious point of view, if i was to turn gay for a girl, i think i would be more into the boyish type of females. LIKE AMBERRRR ♥)