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-insert interesting title here-
Thursday, October 27, 2011 @ 10:59 PM / 1 comment(s)

I've realised that for the past week i've been wearing my contacts in the wrong eye. I've worn my right one in my left and my left one in my right. I now know why i though my left eye was seeing funny. I also now know why i've been blind this whole week. Aren't i smart?

English and science marks were handed back today. Look at my marks, it seems like at this rate i'm going to fail school.
It's funny because every single year, i tell myself i will try harder for the following year and every single year i don't. I do try, but not enough. I slack off and procrastinate. Out of all the exams i've done this year, i only remember trying extremely hard for one exam.Obviously i didn't try hard enough for that exam because my marks were still extremely disappointing.

I'm getting my music yearly back tomorrow and my history one too. Oh, pe yearly as well. I don't particularly care too much about history or pe, but if i don't get at least 80% for music, i'm going to be really disappointed in myself. More disappointed than not doing well in maths or science.